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  • When will my order arrive?
    Great question! It depends, please check the Product Details for the Brand Eco-Crafting - Fulfillment / Shipping Time and the Brand Release - Dispatch date to determine when and if the product item has been crafted and the timeframe to be fulfilled and shipped by the Brand to Free Spirit Brands inventory and warehouses. Upon receipt of items into our warehouse based on orders and / or Free Spirit Brands reserve inventory batches, items will be delivered to you within 2-3+ days from our fulfillment center for domestic destinations within the USA or within 3-5+ days from our fulfillment center for international destinations pending weather and other transportation logistics.
  • Can I return items?
    Yes, please submit a return request within 3 days and a free shipping label will be emailed to you. Please indicate if you would like an exchange or refund. High value items over $500 are final sales for complimentary shopping plans.
  • How is my customer and credit card data secured?
    Payment information is protected and secured by 256-bit SSL encryption. Payment data such as credit card data is NOT stored within Free Spirit Brands databases. This information is protected by our merchant credit card - payment processing company, Stripe. 1% of purchases are directly donated to carbon emissions and offset projects via our partnership with Stripe Climate. Learn more about our Sustainability @ Free Spirit Brands page. Free Spirit Brands has access to customer information such as name, email address, orders, invoices, activities, mailing address and basic information for shipping, preferences and marketing purposes. Customers can request access to customer information stored on file with Free Spirit Brands and request data to be deleted via email request to contact@1freespiritbrands.com and or via the Contact Form on site. Free Spirit Brands does not accept manual credit card processing by employees for any purchases via email, phone or chat message. Orders must be placed by customers online or using a credit card swipe device in person. We have selected IP anonymization for our Google Analytics account to hide visitors IP addresses from Google. Google is unable to retarget ads to you based on visits to our site. This means you may or may not be able to view relevant marketing or recommendations based on your internet activity. Facebook Pixel and CAPI tracking is installed to only measure and track the success of Facebook / Instagram social media campaigns. Data collected from site's third-party apps or services is user input based - and will be included with the data file. User data collected via user third-party apps or services via groups calls, virtual worlds, and other social media platforms are hosted on those sites. Please contact those services to request or delete data collected via those platforms.
  • How do I update my customer, member or plan billing information?
    Members / Customers can update their payment method, member or billing information on active recurring subscriptions in the My Subscriptions section of the Members Area. When entering new payment method details, your clients also enter billing details such as the relevant name and address connected to the payment method. Members / Customers can update the payment method on their active recurring subscriptions to avoid their subscription being canceled. Members / Customers need to update the payment method on all their subscriptions separately (changes to one subscription do not affect all subscriptions).
  • Can I update my Display Name on the Members page?
    Yes! Please feel free to update your Display Name and other descriptive and / or contact details in your Members Profile page located within the Members page. You can also make your member profile private and access other important Member pages and information like My Orders, My Wishlist, My Addresses, My Bookings, My Events, My Subscriptions, etc. You can also directly communicate with other members via the Members Chat feature at the bottom of your screen.
  • Who owns your data, content, voice, messages, likeness, interests?
    You do. We do not make any claims to your data, content, voice, messages, likeness and / or interests. You can delete your posts and / or content at any time, this information is not controlled by the platform nor is data stored for more than 6 months unless at your direction in settings. Data and / or activities from and /or to third party sites or platforms are controlled by those entities. Please store offline and / or advise accordingly.
  • Member Invites - Referrals - What is the bonus % and conditions?
    Thank you for joining the NextYap platform! Members Invites - Referrals receives 40% bonus of each subscription fee. Bonuses are paid monthly the following month of the bonus subscription fee earned. Bonuses are valid for the lifetime of the subscription fee until cancelled. If a referral resigns up to the platform after cancellation, the bonus is not paid out and considered a new sign-up. Join the Platform. Register as an Influencer / Ambassador using the button in the footer. Share the platform site link with your friends and other like-minded individuals using the share link at bottom of the platform screen with your tracking URL from. Send a message via the Contact Form to request special coupon codes for members with larger networks, groups, audiences to give your 1st 100 subscribers, 1st 3 months free to keep following you across social media platforms!!
  • Monetization - What are the fees? What can be monetized? Other terms?
    Monetize your content via group subscriptions, content pay wall links, events in person or online and courses. The platform charges a 15% fee for administration and marketing costs. We do not charge for direct payments to members via the member provided pay links or other payments apps for tips, donations, products or other services sales.
  • Have more questions or feedback?
    Please feel free to send us note with your additional questions and / or feedback via the Message Us - Chat window, the Get in Touch - Contact Us button, via email at contact@1freespiritbrands.com or via phone @ 1-313-367-1300. Thank you for your time and eco-shopping with us!

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Detroit, MI, VSA

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©2022 deur Free Spirit Brands. Alle regte voorbehou. Made met liefde ❤️ in Detroit, Michigan + Made in USA + Made in Earth.  Met trots geskep met Wix.com

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